The Quick Guide for Digital Marketing Acronyms

Digital Marketing Acronyms

What do all these letters stand for? A short guide for digital marketing acronyms.

Digital marketers often use “Short Codes” such as PPC or CPM in a way that only they understand. If you’ll ever need to talk business with these guys or that you are starting your own way with digital marketing – this is for you!
It’s all sorted alphabetically, but feel free to use ‘Ctrl + F’ to target whatever it is you’re looking for. Let’s start:

B2B (Business to Business) – Businesses that commercially interact with other businesses.
B2C (Business to Consumer) – Businesses that commercially interact with consumers
CPA (Cost Per Action/Acquisition) – The total cost that was paid per action (Lead, Sale, Subscription, etc..) To calculate it you need to divide your cost by the number of actions the campaign brought.
CPC (Cost Per Click) – The total cost that was paid per click. To calculate it you need to divide your cost by the number of clicks you got.
CPL (Cost Per Lead) – The total cost that was paid per lead. To calculate it you need to divide your cost by the number of leads the campaign brought.
CPM (Cost Per Mille / thousand impressions) – The total cost that was paid per thousand ad impressions. To calculate it you need to divide your cost by the number of impressions times 1000. Some say that the letter “M” in CPM represent the Roman numeral for 1000.
CPS (Cost Per Sale) – The total cost that was paid per Sale. To calculate it you need to divide your cost by the number of sales the campaign brought.
CR or CVR (Conversion Rate) – Percentage of page visits that converted into an action.
CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) – The optimization process for your conversion flow, in order to increase the Conversion Rate without changing or optimizing the campaign.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – An IT system or software that helps you manage your relationship with the customer (or lead).
CTR (Click Through Rate) – Percentage of the clicks out of the impressions your ad got. It’s calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions times 100.
DOI (Double Opt. In) – In email marketing, DOI means a sign up process that requires the user to approve his subscription by receiving an email and clicking on the link it contains.
DSP (Demand Side Platform) – A software or a web application used to buy display, mobile, video or search ads.
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) – A principle made by the U.S Navy in the 60s. It basically says that most systems work best when kept as simple as possible. In marketing the definition is pretty much the same: Keep your creative as simple as possible, don’t make the user think too much to understand it.
PFI (Pay for Inclusion) – A Payment you are required to pay in order to be included in a results page.
PFP (Pay for Performance) – A Payment you are required to pay for an action like click or lead.
PPC (Pay Per Click) – A paying method where you pay for clicks (other than actions or impressions)
PPL (Pay Per Lead) – A paying method where you pay for leads (other than clicks or impressions)
PPS (Pay Per Sale) – A paying method where you pay for sale (other than clicks or impressions)
PV (Page View) – A single web page view.
ROI (Return On Investment) – A numeric value of your income from a campaign compare to its cost. Calculated by dividing the profit (Income minus cost) by your cost (Profitable when the result is more than 0). But more commonly calculated by dividing the income by the cost (Profitable when the result is more than 1).
RON (Run Of Network) – A strategy when your ad can be displayed anywhere within the ad network.
RTB (Real-Time Bidding) – a method where the advertiser buys traffic by bidding on CPM.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – A process intended to optimize a website for a search engine in order for it to be displayed higher in search results.
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) – Also referred to as Paid Search. A marketing method where you “buy” a space next to the organic search results in a search engine.
SMM (Social Media Marketing) – Types of internet marketing in which social networks are used as marketing tools.
SMO (Social media Optimization) – See SMM
SOI (Single Opt. In) – In email marketing, SOI means a sign up process that doesn’t require the user to approve his subscription by receiving an email and clicking on the link it contains.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – Basically, a webpage address.
UV (Unique Visitors) – A metric that shows you how many unique visitors were on a specific page or site (in comparison to visitors, the Unique Visitor metric counts every user only once)
WTF – Yep… Exactly…

By Roy Danino

PPC Team Leader at a leading financial company, and author at PPCNinja Blog.

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