10 AdWords Myths That Should’ve Been Forgotten Ages Ago

A big part of an online marketer’s day is spent trying (and hopefully succeeding) to figure out how to improve campaigns and minimize costs per result (hmm… yep…). At times, we even hesitate taking a totally rational decision just because we dread being “punished” by Google Almighty, and as it happens sometimes, we pass on… Continue reading 10 AdWords Myths That Should’ve Been Forgotten Ages Ago

4 Remarketing List Ideas that’ll Boost Your Conversion Rate

  Remarketing is a great targeting method. It lets you Re-Target people who already were in your website (or LP). Some claim that since they’re already familiar with your brand they might convert easily. Others suggest that, given they already came across your landing page, you probably know what didn’t work with them and now… Continue reading 4 Remarketing List Ideas that’ll Boost Your Conversion Rate

The Magical Segment You Probably Didn’t Know – The Keyword / Placement Report

Quick: Under the Ads tab, go to segments and choose: “Keyword / Placement”. This report will demonstrate how in different ads combinations the targeting criteria worked. There is so much to learn from this! The easiest example for the usage of the keyword / placement report is a search campaign, you’ll see every keyword & ad combination that… Continue reading The Magical Segment You Probably Didn’t Know – The Keyword / Placement Report

How to Exclude Mobile Apps From Your GDN Campaigns

One of the cheapest traffic sources in Google’s display network (GDN) is Mobile Apps traffic. Sometimes its low price can help you increase profits and boost your ROI, but most of the times, it’s a big waste of money. In the present post I will show you exactly how to exclude mobile apps from your… Continue reading How to Exclude Mobile Apps From Your GDN Campaigns

The Quick Guide for Digital Marketing Acronyms

Digital Marketing Acronyms

What do all these letters stand for? A short guide for digital marketing acronyms. Digital marketers often use “Short Codes” such as PPC or CPM in a way that only they understand. If you’ll ever need to talk business with these guys or that you are starting your own way with digital marketing – this… Continue reading The Quick Guide for Digital Marketing Acronyms

How to Calculate Bids to Meet Your AdWords Campaign Goals

Save money by calculating your bids right

This post is about CPL – Cost Per Lead, and CPA – Cost Per Acquisition/Action (Or any other CP-Something that makes your boss or costumer happy). It’s important to understand the user flow from the click until he reaches the final goal of your AdWords campaign – the acquisition. Most of the times the flow is… Continue reading How to Calculate Bids to Meet Your AdWords Campaign Goals

5 Tips To Help You Optimize AdWords Campaigns

There are many strategies one can use to optimize a PPC campaign, here, I gathered for you 5 great tips you can use with nearly every strategy you’ll choose, and will probably improve your overall results. 1. Use math. It works better than your gut feelings. Even if you didn’t like it that much in high school,… Continue reading 5 Tips To Help You Optimize AdWords Campaigns

The Quick Guide for Using DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion)

First of all, what is Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)? DKI is actually a kind of tag we can use in text-ads to replace a part of the text with the keyword that triggered the ad. For example: In a certain ad group we have keywords like computers, laptops and PCs. So we’ll use the word “Computers” as a default… Continue reading The Quick Guide for Using DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion)